Jordan Population Count : A Theory in Practice
Why the hell do we need to do Population Count for Jordan ?
I can find the exact number (accurate up to 99.9 %) without moving a finger.
2.5 million Fastlink Subscribers
2.0 million Mobilecom Subscriber
1.0 million Umnia Subscriber
2 guys (My younger brother and sister don't have any mobile subscription yet)
Population Count =
5500002 NASAMEH (Jordan population count)
O lasho el-fazlakeh o elmasareef elli ma 2ilha da3i, ya3ni jad, lashoo da2erat el-2e7saa2at el-3ameh (دائرة الاحصائات العامة), huh
Music Mood: - Paul Simon and Garfunkel - The Boxer
lool, good one.
hahahaha that absolutely cracked me up!
Hehe , ya zalameh hai da2eret el e7sa2at el 3ameh sawaleefha tarma !
mal3oobeh abu shnood mal3oobeh!
Good idea, but there is a problem u had to count the ppl who have 2 or more mobile #, I know alot of ppl have for example fastlink & umniah lines and may be more ...
so, u`ve to count the intersect between these companies. :)
man,,,, u r the best,,, ill post about u later,, u deserve it,, keep an eye on my blog
u didnt count me,, right? im with etasalat
Hehehehe, hilarious, bas I have a questions, there are no Express subscribers??? Khalas, enseenahum taba3oon Egs-bres?? Walla ma byin7esboo??
Okay this is just genius!
Good one Nader!
HALA: Nader's theory still stands, the EGZBREZ dudes are the foreigners residing in Jordan :p
Hahaha that was funny :D Great post keep us updated about ur theories :D
One of my parents, who until 2 years ago viciously refused to even call cell phones now has a Mobilecom and Fastlink lines. This skews your calculations.
moi,Roba.... happy you liked it
Jad, Habeebi abu el jooj
Opairah, this is the basic theory, the advnced version deals with intersection and containment cases.
Abu 7amarneh, I don't know what to say, I am flattered, thank you and I will keep an eye :)
Rambling Hal, I guess Firas answered for me (thanks man)
Mirachka, yup more theories are coming up, BEWARE.
Jameed, well, your parent will be considered when calculating the "error ratio", thank you for the info. anyways :D
Salam, now that's an interesting sister-theory :D
this is the most hilairious thing I've read in a month!!
looooool really really good point
the best thing i've read so far
on and btw speaking of mobiles check this out lol
So damn true!
bass nseet EX-BRESS!
that's if the figures supplied by the mobile companies are true:P
wala eshe.. hahaha
la dammak khafifi ya abu shreek
Thank you for your nice posting.
it is really helpful to us.
such a nice topics.
A good thinker, but you missed something important! It's that many people have more than one subscription for one (or more) mobile service providers. So these numbers can't be officially used.