You know I was brought here when my spaceship crashed 300 years ago :)
who's they? i'm suffering from insomnia. gotta wake up early tomorrow for school. AH! I need entertainment....
oh yeah, what kind of spaceship? i heard they now have insurance on those things so if you had that, you could probably make a bundle;)
THEY(MY PEOPLE)Roba, the other Aliens :)
Linda, Would they accept to ensure someone with ONE EYE and and antenaes :)
By My love story, at 10:06 PM
Well Nader, your monthly rate might go up just a bit due to the one eye, which creates a risk, but yeah, they will take u on as a customer;)
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By Hind Sabanekh, at 9:39 PM
Nad keep on wondering maybe oneday after the long 300 years they'll notice that you are missing and might start looking!! but try to stay in touch!!
By Hind Sabanekh, at 9:40 PM