Amazing Night
posted for the record (that was last night)
CeBIT is the world's biggest, and one of the world's most important, computer expos. It is held in Hanover, Germany, each spring and is a barometer of information technology. With an exhibition area of 400,000 m² and 700,000 visitors, it is bigger than COMDEX.for more details. Wikipedia/CeBIT
When I was finishing high school in the early 1970s, the closest normal people got to computers was using a teletype. These electromechanical monsters could convert bits received at glacially slow (110 baud) telephone rates into a veritable cacophany of sound. This acoustic din was produced by lots of metal parts slamming into a paper roll somewhere inside the machine. The paper was the same consistency and smoothness as the paper towels you find in restrooms, and the bit rate was caused partly by the constraints of the acoustic couplers used in those days. I probably still haveComputer Magazine, January 2005 (Vol. 38, No. 1)
the pieces of the 300-baud modem I built out of two op-amps and two tennis shoes.
You're sitting in yet another interminable conference session. Man, this chair gets more uncomfortable by the millisecond. Who's that over there? He looks like Mike Meyers from this angle. Or maybe Mini Me. What's that interminable droning sound? Oops, that's the speaker going on and on about … whatever his topic is. You can't remember—your mind has been wandering for the past 10 minutes.You slide back into your reverie and idly wonder if it's true that your memory gets worse as you age and whether there's anything to the folk wisdom that says you're okay as long as you can remember what you ate for dinner in the past week. I think I had grilled salmon a week ago. Or was it that you had to remember for 10 days? Uh oh, I can't quite recall. That can't be good.
But suddenly your attention is drawn back to the speaker, even though you can't quite put your finger on why. Something about his cadence, or pitch, or the way he paused and leaned away from the podium. You can just sense that he has momentarily diverged from his planned course and is about to extemporize.
If there's going to be anything memorable from this talk, it will be now, when the speaker is making remarks off the cuff. The earlier part of the talk could have been a prerecorded audio track, but this part is real, immediate, full-bandwidth. The speaker is operating at his peak communications capacity, and the audience senses that and reacts accordingly.
If you've ever attended a music recital by a particularly gifted artist, or a theatrical production in which the cast was having a great day, you've felt that same connection—a sense that there are higher planes of communication between human beings that we sometimes glimpse but don't often feel.
Comedians live or die by their ability to fully capture their audience's attention and take them on a shared journey. They use their humor like the boy in E.T. used Reese's Pieces to entice the alien to follow him; they bring the audience along line by line, laugh by laugh. And the audience pays them to do it, without even being rewarded with candy.
Bob Colwell (Computer Magazine, Sep 2005, At Random, Presentation Lessons from Comedians)
Music Mood: Mohammad Mounir - Ana Ba3shaq El-Ba7r
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“If people had understood how patents would be granted when most of today’s ideas were invented and had taken out patents, the industry would be at a complete stand-still today. The solution . . . is patent exchanges . . . and patenting as much as we can. . . . A future start-up with no patents of its own will be forced to pay whatever price the giants choose to impose. That price might be high: Established companies have an interest in excluding future competitors.” Fred Warshofsky, The Patent Wars 170-71 (NY: Wiley 1994).Some links for you to start doing something:
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and the list is long...
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A trial version of Norton Antivirus seems to be installed on the server and the trial period has ended, this window popped-up on the terminals (screens). So he took this picture with his mobile and sent it to me.
Bypassing the fact that Windows is the OS in this case, how the hell can they use a trial version? Have they installed it from a free CD that comes with “Software-for-airports-that-sucks” magazine?
If you know some basics about computers and softwares , you would know that this is an unforgivable action.
At least I now know why RJ flights are always late. They have to keep formatting and reinstalling the trial versions of their flights tracking software. :-)
I wish I were there to see the cursor moving to close that window, or even see the Winamp icon down at the icons tray. Maybe I could’ve been lucky enough to glance a solitaire game residing in the background too. :-)
I just couldn’t stop laughing when I saw it, but now I just don’t know if laughing is the right action.
My advice to the computer department there (if it exists), CRACK THE HELL OUT OF IT PEOPLE or buy the full version.
P.S : Feel free to save or share this picture but please keep the email and the reference to this blog and keep the info. on the image.
Saif, thanx for the pic., Dude.